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An online self discovery studio.

Live Classes

Nothing beats the energy of a live Zoom class!

On Demand

On your own time. Your schedule, your workout.

Reiki & 1-1 Sessions

On your own time. Your schedule, your workout.


Welcome to The Elements Experience

I see the human body as a sacred vessel that houses our beautiful limitless souls.

It’s my mission to use movement as a tool to honor, care for, and love our unique vessel. I know that intentional nurturing movement is the key element to connecting to our highest and best selves. I believe in radical self acceptance and love, and am working to dismantle the effects of fitness and diet culture.

I created “The Elements Experience” as a container that supports all aspects of being human. It’s through this experience that we aim to connect the body, the mind, the emotions, and the energetic self as a portal to our inner spirit.


Hi, I'm Jen.

As young as I can remember I’ve loved moving my body, and connecting with nature.  I wasn’t the kid who sat and read or played with dolls or toys, I was outside climbing trees, building forts in the woods, or involved in playing all the sports. I was a very imaginative kid and spent a lot of time in the woods behind my house dreaming up interactions with unicorns, fairies, hidden realms, and magical powers.

I’m a self identified sensitive or empathic person, I pick up on energies and am a very deep thinker/feeler. I have a healthy relationship with my intuition and have always felt and believed in something greater than myself. Which led to Reiki. I’ve been practicing as a Reiki Master Teacher for 10 years offering in person,  distant reiki healing sessions, and attuning others to the energy.

My interest in the human body plus experience growing up with and around people with special abilities led me to a degree/career in Occupational Therapy. In this field I learned about adapting movement and environment to meet an individual’s specific needs and I gained a deep understanding of the nervous system and the inputs that help to regulate it.

My love of movement led me to  pursue several certifications including 200 hr yoga, Barre, HIIT, and more. I love learning about the body, fitness modalities, physiology, and  the nervous system, and so I continuously study taking courses that enhance all that I do. I’ve been leading movement classes for close to 10 years and plan to continue for 50 more!

I have an amazing supportive husband, 3 cool ass kids, and the best dog that ever lived. I’m passionate about showing up authentically, with compassion and loving intention into all that I do.


From the community

“Leah’s Community Class was amazing! I’m very high strung and I left feeling light and refreshed." - Carmen

My first reiki session ever was with you, and it was distant! So powerful and I love that you gave me a personalized chakra report. I still have it! Also you helped me connect to one of my guides. Endless amounts of gratitude for that distant reiki session.


Here’s some things I love about the Elements: Being in the comfort of my own space, If I can’t make the live class no pressure it’s recorded!, Reiki healing, mindfulness and meditation, cool music, community of like minded individuals, inspirational messages, strength class, stretching, tarot cards learning so much about my body. I don’t know if there's anyone that does these things, but Jen is why all these elements come together.


I did the "personalized Movement Journey" package with Jen. It was a wonderful experience. I'm a yoga instructor, and it was like nothing I've ever experienced before. Her knowledge of how to help me move better blew my mind! Just one little tip to care for my wrists made a huge difference in my practice. And of course, the Reiki healing with intuitive impressions-I've never seen anyone do this before. Simply amazing!


Jen is an amazing movement educator and intuitive healing facilitator. She’s super smart when it comes to blending the physical body movement with more subtle energetic practices to get you feeling your best, and does a wonderful job of making you feel seen and supported. Jen is the real deal and I’m so grateful she’s sharing her wisdom and guidance in this way!

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